A few months ago my son & I designed our first Haflinger horse mug and opened an Etsy shop to share it with other Haflinger horse lovers. We had such fun creating that first mug, we decided to make even more Haflinger themed gifts. Are you ready to see our newest creations? There are 4 of them, all featuring original watercolor horse art!
When Life Gets Bumpy, Start Posting!
For this mug we decided to use one of our favorite inspirational horse quotes: When life gets bumpy, start posting! In my 8-year-old’s words, the meaning of this quote is this:
When your horse is trotting, it’s very bumpy so you post. When you’re having a rough day your feelings are all over the place and that’s bumpy too. Start posting. Don’t get overwhelmed by what’s happening and take control.
Deep right? Kids can teach us so much sometimes. I love thinking about this quote when I’m having a rough day (or week) and need to remind myself that I can still enjoy the ride even if life is a little bumpy at the moment.
As an aside, for some reason my son equates this saying with Dorie from Finding Nemo and likes to sing, “When life gets bumpy just keep posting, posting, posting…” the way Dorie sings “just keep swimming.” It’s a correlation only an 8-year-old could come up with. 🙂
Coffee with Haffitude
Haffitude is a word we totally made up but it should definitely be a word all Haflinger horse lovers use!
Haflingers have amazing personalities. They’re curious, happy, mischievous and determined. For instance, Teddy happens to be completely obsessed with food (I can relate) and the barn routinely stacks hay in the hallway just within view of his stall. What did Teddy do? He fiddled with his stall door until he figured out how to open it with his tongue of course! And then he chowed down on hay until someone caught him in the act. We can’t help but laugh at his antics and also wonder what we might be able to accomplish if we tackled our days with the same curious attitude and deep determination. And that’s how this mug was born!
Nama’Stay At the Barn With My Horse
No matter what is on the agenda for the day, you better believe we’d rather stay at the barn than be doing anything else. Since our family has been starting to meditate together in the mornings, we thought a mug with a meditating Haflinger horse would be a fun way to share our preference for being at the barn vs. pretty much anywhere.
Plus this mug reminds us of how good it feels to walk into the barn after a busy day – there’s just something about the smell of horses that makes all tension disappear and invites the happy vibes. (At least, that’s how we feel, my husband doesn’t quite get it.)
You Can’t Buy Happiness, But You Can Buy a Haflinger and That’s Kinda the Same Thing
Finally here is our happiness mug for Haflinger lovers. So many people who have Haflingers remark upon how affectionate their horses are and that is definitely true of Teddy. He loves spending time around people and always has a nicker ready for us when we walk into the barn (probably because he knows at least one of us has cookies in our pocket). While you may not be able to buy “happiness,” per say, you can definitely buy a Haflinger and they can bring a ton of happiness into your life – so it’s kinda the same thing right?
We hope you like our mugs as much as we enjoyed creating them!